Social principles

"All institutions shall bear some social responsibilities for a sustainable economic and social development. Acting ‘ethical’ and ‘responsibly’ to both its internal and external stakeholders, MULINO bears the responsibilities to protect and develop its own environment with success and pride."

Social Responsibility Principles

  • To preserve the natural environment,

  • To provide high quality and reliable products in line with customer preferences,

  • To respect basic rights and freedoms of the employees,

  • To provide accurate data on its activities,

  • To support education, health and art activities that will contribute to the welfare of the society,

Are the sum of the social responsibilities which are considered as sustainable basic principles reflected in the corporate decisions of all companies within MULINO, rather than a marketing activity increasing brand value or a project that serves social tendencies.

Corporate Social Responsibility works in MULINO are executed within the principles below:

Human Rights

In MULINO we recognize internationally acknowledged human rights for all our internal and external stakeholders and act accordingly.

Equality of Opportunity

MULINO employees are not discriminated by race, religions, sex, color, age, nationality, social origin, or physical handicap. Each employee enjoys equal opportunities. Freedom to express opinion in communication is reserved and all opinions and views are considered in decision-making.

Children’s Rights

Children’s Rights is an issue MULINO is sensitive about. Children’s Rights are acknowledged in MULINO and no child labor is used in line with the laws.

Fair Working Conditions

Happiness of the employees guarantees production and service quality. MULINO aims to meet the expectations of its employees with its salaries, working conditions and social opportunities. Employees are provided with salaries fair for the work they do and their qualifications and are provided with working and resting conditions stipulated by laws.

Safe and Healthy Working Conditions

Occupational health and safety is a priority topic in all workplaces of MULINO. Healthy and Safe working conditions, sufficient nutrition, cleanliness of working and living spaces are coordinated as required, and are applied in accordance with predetermined standards and rules.

Right to Self Improvement

Regardless of his or her job and education level, each employee feels the need to improve his/herself. We conduct in house training for our employees to improve their skills and capabilities and to follow the innovations to their professional fields.


MULINO aims to minimize global warming threats and to leave a meticulously preserved environment to future generations.

With the understanding that world’s resources are not unlimited, MULINO exercises the legislation not as a requirement but as a responsibility to leave a meticulously preserved environment to future generations and invites all parties to act together to protect the environment and to stop wrongful operations.